Saturday, August 10, 2013


Wow, another almost two weeks has past since my last post.  All I can say's do to Busyness.  No, not business (although that technically is what the busyness has been about...meh).  Mom's been cleaning out the Quilt Corner and finish up a commissioned quilt (yes, THAT quilt...the nightmare one!).  I'm really pleased with how it turned out and I know she is too, especially considering how many problems she encountered with the fabrics and whatnot.  That's good news and was a large potion of her busyness.

 I have to admit, I didn't like her cleaning her space and organizing it a little bit better.  I liked things just the way they were.  It's not like it was dirty or anything, but because she moved stuff around, some of my favorite places for napping (when she'd let me in the room) were taken away or changed.  This made me quite cranky and I had to take it out on someone.  I DON'T like my Quilt Corner being messed with or changed.  I kind of picked on the somewhat slow, gangly, HUGE (BIG doesn't even begin to describe how large he is) younger brother,, MR. Darcy.  Yes, mom named him after THAT Mr. Darcy.  She loves Jane Austen...too much if you ask me, but then what do I know. ( I haven't read Jane Austen or any of her novels since, well, I'm a cat and if a book hasn't been published in Kittenese, well, I just don't bother with it.)  Anyway, I was picking on him.  He's easy to do this to sometimes because he's such a lover and doesn't always appreciate a scrap.  To give him credit, though, he does come out on top on occasion...but not this night.

At any rate, the business is coming along splendidly and though mom's only had two customers so far, one has asked for her to make another quilt for her.  Mom took the commission from this woman (the nightmare...otherwise known as Wind and Waves), but isn't sure she wants to go down that road anymore.  She does love to do handwork, but mostly does her own stuff by hand when watching TV with dad in the evenings.  I'm trying to convince her that that time should be dedicated to me and my brothers and sisters by laying right next to her occasionally and generally keeping her busy handing out treats and whatnot.

Mom's determined to try this new method of loading her longarm machine.  She saw it on an old episode of Linda's Longarm Quilting.  It showed how you can load two quilts on the machine at the same time so that it helps you do things a bit faster.  Since both of the customer quilts she has right now would seem to be able to fit, she's considering doing that.  Of course, the show didn't tell all the logistics of it, so I think mom will be laying awake at night the next couple of nights trying to figure out the best way to go about doing that.  Just think how much time can be saved if she can successfully accomplish this!  I have no doubt she will because, well, she's MY mom and I picked her as MY person and I wouldn't have done that if she wasn't just a bit intelligent.  I just don't like idiotic behavior in people and she's not like that!  If this works, I'll let you know and even maybe make her very first written tutorial on double loading...if I can convince her not to be shy, maybe I can get her to even video it and post it here.  Wouldn't that be cool?

Well, I just saw a red spot go flying down the carpet and I want to catch it!  Talk to you all later!

Remember, paws are best used for quilting!


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