Ah, to begin. That's almost a Hamletarian (is that a real word?) thought! Not that I'm supposed to know anything about Hamlet. Truth is...most people don't know that Hamlet was originally written in Catonese (No, not the Chinese dialect Catonese...). You see, CAT-onese is the language of Felines the world over. Of course, just as in humans, the Felines of the world have different dialects, so sometimes we don't understand each other. However, most high-class, domesticated kitties are well-educated and, in their education, were required to read Kittenspeare (original author of Hamlet...He was Shakespeare's cat and when he left out his writings of the play and the human found them, he stole it from Kittenspeare and had it...and all of Kittenspeare's writings...published under his own human name...As if HE had the intelligence to write such amazing plays! At any rate, that is why I made the reference to Hamlet, which is a HUGE detour from my intended beginning.
So...to begin...again.
My name is Pumpkin. I am a very rare kitty. No one had to actually tell me that. I knew that from the beginning. I believe any mutant kitty is rare...and special..and I'm a mutant kitty. I am the smartest, brightest and toughest kitty in the world...or my world anyway. I do think if I were to leave my protected environment (where I reign supreme) and enter the larger world, I would soon conquer and become the Sheriff there as well as in my house...But again, I digress. I do have to say this...my humans tell each other that I'm "hardcore" because I like to sharpen my claws on bricks. I'm amazed to hear this! Don't all kitties do that?
Anyway, back to my introduction. I have decided to track and follow the beginnings of my favorite human's steps into a longarm quilting machine business. Yes, I know all about this subject as I am her boss. I determine when she will work and when she must put her fabrics away. I oversee all of her work and will tell her that she needs to put things away and stop working so I can sit on her lap by attacking the fabrics she's working with or scratching at her doors when she is in her "quilting" room. I used to be allowed in there to watch over her sewing (I loved seeing the needle go up and down, but it scared her to have me so close so she made me leave the table), but I have been banished since putting her first quilt on her new frame. The nerve!!! Just because I needed to walk over the quilt on the frame every time I came in to inspect her work doesn't mean I'm going to ruin it...as she thinks I am. Just because I lept onto it and tore half the quilt down from the frame one night (I was checking to see if it was resilient...it didn't pass the test), doesn't mean I can't be trusted to continue to be in the room with her. Regardless of my banishment, I remain her boss and will pester at her doors to make her stop working...So, that actually makes me the boss...thus MY starting this blog.
I have great things planned for our times together...many thoughts and things I want to think on (thus the ponderings) and share. I hope that you'll join me on this journey with my human. I think it will be fun to follow what she's doing and learning...and I hope you'll enjoy what I tell you. I will try to make it interesting and informative...but remember...I'm a Queen Kitty and Sheriff of my house so you may be surprised at what you read or learn. I hope you'll join me when I have time to write.
Anyway, it's getting really late...or early...depending on what species' time schedule you're looking at. I think I'll look at the human's time for now...thus the getting "really late." So, for now, I'm off to sleep with my human.
Sleep well!
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